Thursday, June 16, 2011

Interpol and radiohead. Eating a porkchop alone at a dimly lit bar in Brooklyn at 11pm. I am starting to forget how much I loved music-- I hardly listen anymore.

Which I guess means I really am getting old. It's not so much the getting old that's the problem. It's that this is the kind of old I swore I'd never be.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

how much of a tree bends in the wind?

I started telling the story, without knowing the end.

I had a frustrating day at work. I just want to do a good job, that's it. When I make dumb little mistakes, I feel it. I feel it twice.

Friday, June 3, 2011

yes, i'm still alive

I was thinking about how sad it is my posting has tapered off in such a dramatic fashion.
I'm not writing anything down anywhere else. I'm just.. living, I suppose.

So, a year ago I moved to Brooklyn with S., who is a different S. from the one I used to write about. We just celebrated our 2 year anniversary, which seems weird. Have I been in New York that long?
We live together in what is quite a perfect neighborhood with my cat, and I've started a new job where they treat me alright. Things are going pretty well.

There is more to say, but perhaps not yet. I just wanted my fingers to get used to creating sentences again.